Former K-Pop Idol Names The 3 Types Of Scandals That Ruin Idols’ Careers Forever

Some mistakes can’t be smoothed over.

As a former member of the second-generation group U-KISS, Alexander Lee (also known by his stage name Xander) spoke about the three types of scandals that can ruin an idol’s career forever.

Alexander Lee | ZULA/YouTube

Because Alexander left his group many years ago and continued his career, Zula host Leah Shannon wondered if other idols who also left their groups could have successful careers too. He emphasized that it depends on the reason.

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If a member leaves a group quietly, it was possible for them to continue a career in the industry. On the flip side, Alexander gave three scandals that idols typically can’t revive their careers from.

| ZULA/YouTube

The first scandal Alexander named was anything to do with “marijuana drug abuse.” While it may be legal in some countries, Korea takes strong action against anything revolving around the illegal drug.

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Alexander named drunk driving as the second scandal that’s a career-ender. Not only can someone cause damage to property and harm themselves, but they also put others in danger.

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The last one was “sex scandals,” which could also involve crimes and harming others.

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As a former idol and someone who still works with idols, Alexander warned, “These confirm you can never come back.” Since there have been idols and Korean celebrities involved in these scandals who disappeared from the public eye, he’s spot-on.

| ZULA/YouTube

Listen to Alexander talk about the scandals that can tank a career in the blink of an eye.

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