“The Glory” Actress Jung Ji So Reveals What It Was Like Working With Song Hye Kyo

“She treated me like a colleague.”

Actress Jung Ji So, who plays the role of young Moon Dong Eun in Netflix‘s popular K-Drama The Glory, appeared in the March issue of Cosmopolitan Korea.

Jung Ji So | Cosmopolitan Korea

In her interview with Cosmopolitan Korea, she shared things about her personal life, such as how she enjoys exercising and working hard toward self-development with her friends and living a “diligent and healthy Gen Z lifestyle.”

She also revealed that she finally dyed her hair a bright red color after being unable to do so because of back-to-back shooting for productions.

| Cosmopolitan Korea

She also talked about how she feels about The Glory and its incredible success. The compliments and praises she has received from the show have been affecting her positively.

It’s been ten years since I debuted and I’ve been in a lot of great productions, but I think The Glory is like none other. I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I get compliments for my acting. I’m proud of myself when I think, ‘I did my best, I’m learning, I’m not letting anyone down.’

— Jung Ji So

| Singles

When asked if The Glory is considered a “turning point” for her career, she admitted that it is because it’s a show that is receiving a lot of love. With the show’s success and her newfound attention, however, the young actress is trying her best not to let it get to her head.

I don’t want to get too drunk or swayed from all the love and attention.

— Jung Ji So

To prepare for the young version of the protagonist Moon Dong Eun, Jung Ji So said she took advantage of her facial expressions, breathing, and lines to fully embody her character. She shared that in the curling iron scene, she could almost feel the burning pain of the device when it wasn’t even turned on.

Jung Ji So as Moon Dong Eun in The Glory | Netflix

Jung Ji So’s dedication to embodying her character paid off because actress Song Hye Kyo, who played the grown-up version of Moon Dong Eun, once said in an interview that she had seen Jung Ji So’s performance beforehand and that it made her cry.

I had a chance to see young Dong Eun’s performance in advance. It broke my heart so much that I cried.

— Song Hye Kyo

| Netflix

When asked how working with actress Song Hye Kyo felt, Jung Ji So talked about her amazing energy and incredible acting skills.

I met her for the first time at the table read and her energy was amazing. I was immersed and focused on every word she said. It’s like I could truly feel grown-up Dong Eun’s cold and revengeful heart.

— Jung Ji So

Not only was she impressed by her sunbae’s, or senior’s, acting skills, but Jung Ji So was impressed by the way Song Hye Kyo treated her behind the scenes.

Song Hye Kyo behind the scenes in The Glory | Netflix

Jung Ji So admitted that she was nervous to play the same character as such a renowned actress and sunbae, however, Song Hye Kyo calmed her nerves by treating her with respect.

She treated me kindly, not as a child, but as a colleague.

— Jung Ji So

She said it was honor playing the younger version of Song Hye Kyo’s character.

Song Hye Kyo | Herald Pop

Jung Ji So, as a young woman in her 20s, hopes to get her driver’s license this year. Jung Ji So, as an actress, says she is trying not to set specific goals when it comes to her acting career, but will always try her best in every given circumstance and be dedicated to the roles she may play in the future.


Source: Cosmopolitan Korea and Newsen

The Glory

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