GOT7 And SEVENTEEN Couldn’t Stop Laughing At JB’s Confidence In Wearing His Costume

JB’s new motto: Let the haters laugh.

For day two of the Golden Disk Awards, GOT7 showed off their different colors with their costumes. Out of them all, JB‘s took center stage—literally.


With his hair pulled into a ponytail, a mustache and beard combo, a brown jacket, and dark-tinted sunglasses, JB completely looked the part he was playing.

Having the styling of his costume look spot-on, his confidence was through the roof. No one could tell him he wasn’t Jang Chen from the 2017 movie The Outlaws. He was so into it with his poses and stance that GOT7 and SEVENTEEN couldn’t keep their cool.

Since JB stood right behind the hosts, he was entirely in the spotlight. Jackson pointed him out on the screen, making himself and Seungkwan laugh. Mark and BamBam couldn’t take it either, not even hiding how amused they were.

Even Mingyu, Joshua, and DK joined in on the fun, cracking up at the whole situation. Jinyoung did his best to hold his laughter in. That wasn’t the end of the laugh train either.

By pointing at the screen again, Jackson roped Wonwoo and Woozi into it as well. He couldn’t resist clowning JB, especially when he made it so easy.


GOT7 and SEVENTEEN had the funniest moment bonding over JB’s acting. Watch JB make them all laugh by turning into Jang JB here.

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