Heechul Was Shocked by the Two-Faced Malicious Commenters Following Sulli and Goo Hara’s Passing

He got so angry that he had to shut down his social media at the time.

On a recent episode of Love of 7.7 Billion, Super Junior‘s Heechul opened up about what shocked him the most about the malicious commenters following the passing of Sulli and Goo Hara.

Heechul began the conversation by mentioning the loss of his two good friends.

I was close to both of them, so I’m really sad.

– Heechul

He then went on to explain what made him the angriest about the malicious commenters that gave both stars a difficult time.

What makes me the most angry is the fact that they fight between genders. The guys are verbally sexually abusing them while the girls call them disgraces to their gender. That’s what led to my two friends leaving us.

– Heechul

But he added that what was even more shocking was their two-faced behavior following their passing.

After my two friends left us, the malicious commenters were fighting, blaming each other for being responsible. What shocked me the most was the fact that they preyed upon my friends but then claimed they were devastated and that they were going to mourn and remember them.

– Heechul

Heechul confessed that seeing his made him question his own career as an entertainer on TV.

I’m someone who wants to be a celebrity for my whole life, but during that time, I was asking Shin Dong Yup for advice, and I got so mad every time I saw my social media that I shut everything down.

– Heechul

Sulli and Goo Hara passed away late last year, and the main reason behind Sulli’s passing is believed to be the malicious comments she suffered online.

Following her passing, online portals such as Naver and Kakao shut down the comment section on their articles in hopes that the malicious comments can be better controlled.

Source: Insight

Goo Hara's Passing

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