How Each TXT Member Has Their Own Unique Dance Style: An Analysis
Since debut, TXT has been known for their incredibly interesting choreography. But alongside unique moves and cool formations, one of the things that makes their dances so fun to watch is that each member brings their own unique style to the table. Take a look at this analysis on each member’s dance style to see how different they all are.
1. Soobin – The “Focused” Dancer
While many members add their own “twist” to each move, leader Soobin tends to follow the choreography firmly as it was intended. However, unlike many dancers, he does this without rigidity.
2. Yeonjun – The “Fluid” Dancer
One of TXT’s strongest dancers, Yeonjun is known for his incredibly fluid dance style. His hips move with grace and flexibility, making his dancing flow smoothly and effortlessly.
3. Beomgyu – The “Clear” Dancer
When Beomgyu dances, you can see how his style is focused on clear isolations. He extends his arms, legs, and hands well, making each move distinct even when transitions are fast.
4. Taehyun – The “Powerful” Dancer
Taehyun‘s dance style is all about power. His movements are intense and show a lot of strength, making Taehyun feel like an explosive ball of energy on stage.
5. Huening Kai – The “Controlled” Dancer
While Huening Kai‘s style also shows a lot of strength, he does so in a completely different way to Taehyun. Kai’s energy is more controlled, creating more intense tension in his dance moves.