Honey Lee’s photoshoot for Almond Breeze shows what a healthy body is

Honey Lee has been chosen as the new model for Almond Breeze.

Model, actress, and Miss Universe pageant titleholder Honey Lee is the new face for Almond Breeze, as she has always been one to promote a healthy diet and lifestyle.

“We wanted to convey the message that true beauty came from being healthy through Honey Lee’s video. We believe it will appeal to consumers in their 20’s and 30’s as a healthy drink.”

— Almond Breeze

Recently, she filmed a promotional video with Almond Breeze that aims to spread the message that “Healthy women are beautiful”, and will be shared on Almond Breeze‘s official Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube pages.

A total of three videos will be released over time, with the first having been released just recently.

[ Almond Breeze X Honey (1/3) ]

[ Almond Breeze X Honey (1/3) ]건강한 여자? VS 아름다운 여자?#건강한여자가아름답다#Try_it #아몬드브리즈#EVENT이하늬의 건강한 라이프 영상을 보고, 댓글을 남겨주세요!추첨을 통해 이하늬의 몸짱밀크를 선물로 드려요 :)▶공유+좋아요+태깅은 센스▶당첨 발표 : 5월 8일(월)▶당첨 인원 : 20명▶경품 : 아몬드 브리즈 190ml 1박스(24개입)*4가지 맛 중 랜덤증정.#almondbreeze #몸짱밀크 #이하늬몸짱밀크 #이하늬음료#100%_캘리포니아산_프리미엄_아몬드로_만든_아몬드브리즈

Posted by Almond Breeze 아몬드 브리즈 on Sunday, April 23, 2017

Almond Breeze also released several behind-the-scenes photos of Honey Lee, which showcased her healthy body image that they envisioned their brand to be promoting.

Check out some of her gorgeous photos below!

She’s the perfect model for Almond Breeze.
Not everyone can pull off a tight-fitting white dress as well as Honey Lee.
Who knew almond milk could be sexy?
Healthy is the new sexy.
Only she looks this good after a workout.
Don’t forget to drink your almond milk!
She’s so cute!
Honey Lee is bringing sexy back with almond milk.

Source: Dispatch

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