HyunA Reveals Her Favorite And Least Favorite Songs Of Her Whole Career

From Triple H and 4Minute to her solo promotions, here’s what she chose.

During Jessi‘s Showterview, HyunA took a trip down memory lane to recall all the groups and units she’s promoted in throughout her career. Of them all, she revealed which songs held a special place in her heart and which one she warmed up to liking.

Triple H

After HyunA mentioned jumping at the opportunities to be part of Wonder Girls, 4Minute, Trouble Maker, and Triple H, Jessi asked which song of her entire music career took the number one spot as her favorite.

Without hesitating, HyunA chose one of her solo songs. She proudly picked “Lip & Hip” for its connection to A-ing and how freeing it was to perform.

When promoting ‘Lip & Hip’, what I had in mind was, ‘Just enjoy and have fun on the stage!’ A surprise gift for the tenth anniversary wrote up in a day. It’s a song that makes me happy when performing.

— HyunA

HyunA also liked “Bubble Pop!” and “Change” most. She said, “While I was performing at an event, if I handed the mic over to the audience, everyone sang along.” She also appreciated how they “made today’s HyunA.

For her least favorite song, the singer chose “How’s This?”. When Jessi pointed out how much it looked like HyunA had been enjoying the performances, HyunA said, “I can’t cry on the stage.

Though she’d been going through a rough time during its promotions, HyunA eventually grew fond of it after seeing fans’ enthusiastic reactions to it during her overseas tour.

Back then…the situation was a bit uneasy. That held me back from focusing on the song. During my North American tour, I guess I got to love this song thanks to my fans.

— HyunA

No matter what music project HyunA is a part of, she always delivers a top-quality performance that leaves everyone wanting more.

HyunA performing “How’s This?”.

Check out HyunA choosing which songs of her entire music career stuck out most.


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