Idol Allegedly Doesn’t Welcome Overseas Fans To His Events In Korea

The idol was blunt.

A netizen’s story about her idol not welcoming her to his fan events gained attention on Threads.


Post by @serrano615_
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The netizen began her story with a heartfelt message.

Stanning an idol who gives preferential treatment to certain fans is the worst.

– Netizen


Post by @serrano615_
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The netizen then revealed what prompted them to make that statement.

“‘The event in Busan was held for fans in Busan.’

I don’t know why, but that sentence hurt me a lot. The last time I felt extremely hurt was when I asked him, ‘I want to participate too. Is that okay?’ and he responded, ‘You have to immigrate here first.’

He didn’t say it outright, but he took a clear stance. Every time, I wanted to fly over to see him, but it turned out it was as if I wanted to participate shamelessly. Sorry for interrupting your events for Koreans.”

– Netizen


Post by @serrano615_
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“If you were willing to let me participate, it doesn’t seem too hard to add a few more seats? Since he organized the event himself, he could invite whoever he wanted. There were 12 spots; those in Busan had priority and took up ten spots, and the remaining spots were taken by one person from Seoul and one person from Incheon.

I was speechless when I saw the participants’ list. I expressed my wish to go to Busan more than once. When the event was announced, I told him I really wanted to go to Busan with oppa. But it turns out he really didn’t care.

He kept telling me, ‘Next time.’ I asked him if he really couldn’t add additional seats; he said it would be difficult and added, ‘I’ll give you priority next time I go to Busan. Sorry.’ It’s as if he really thinks it’s easy for me to fly over every time. He always brushes me off with ‘next time,’ since ‘next time’ would be a long time from now anyway – he just wants to dodge it as many times as possible.

For the fans who participate in your events, you’re not even their bias. But you’re my bias. But you don’t care about that. The Korean fans who are closest to you really love to turn people against each other. They even shared fans’ private messages with you, turning me into this ‘weird overseas fan.’

You never even read my handwritten letters or didn’t care about them after reading them. I’m sincerely devoted to you, but it seems to be a mistake. Perhaps you feel pressured and scared because I’m too serious. Just like what my friend said, if idols and fans get too close, this is what happens.

I really don’t understand why I have to self-reflect all the time. I really think that those fans would never come to my bias’ events if they clash with their bias’ events. Aren’t all fans like that? He wasn’t even the most popular member in his group.”

– Netizen

After reading her story, another netizen added their thoughts.


Post by @ling._tzu
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When I came to know your oppa back in the day, I updated his and his group’s Wikipedia page many times. At that time, I knew his way of thinking was not like an average person. If you feel sad, then stop! There are a lot of cute people out there waiting for you to get to know them~

– Commenter


Post by @serrano615_
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To which the original poster responded,

I’ve interacted with him many times, so I didn’t think he was really like how he portrayed himself on camera. But I didn’t think he would be so…ruthless? I don’t know how to describe it. But I guess he’s not that ruthless given he still keeps in touch with his fans. However, this is probably only limited to Koreans.

– Netizen

What do you think of the netizen’s experience with her idol?

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