iKON Chanwoo, SF9 Chani, ASTRO Moonbin to reunite for the first time in 10 years
iKON’s Chanwoo, SF9’s Chani, and ASTRO’s Moonbin will unofficially be reuniting for the first time in 10 years at a music show next week.
Chanwoo, Chani, and Moonbin all starred in TVXQ’s “Balloon” music video as child actors 10 years ago, and were known as “Mini TVXQ” at the time.
Moonbin and Chanwoo in TVXQ’s “Balloon” music video.
Chani and Moonbin also appeared together in talent shows such as Star King, and were loved for their good looks and incredible talent in acting.
Chani and Moonbin in SBS’s Star King.
After starring on Star King, Chanwoo, Chani, and Moonbin all went their own ways starring in various dramas, until eventually, they debuted as idols.
Moonbin in Boys Over Flowers.