The Incident That Shows Why IU’s Loved By Everyone

IU is an angel, confirmed.

When it comes to idols who are always described as “angels” and the “Queen” of K-Pop, one person who is always on the top of the list is soloist IU. Whether she is on stage or greeting fans at events, IU always makes sure that her personality shines by treating them with the same respect and love as if they were her personal friends.

K-Pop soloist IU | @dlwlrma/Instagram

It was no different as IU flew to France for the 2022 Cannes Film Festival. Whether she was walking the red carpet or leaving the event, IU constantly gained attention for her “Fan Service.

IU at “2022 Cannes Film Festival” | news1

In particular, IU has gained attention for showcasing her personality several times when she arrived back in Korea. Of course, her visuals were second to none as she made her way through Incheon Airport.

IU at Incheon Airport on the way back to Korea | News1

However, she also showcased her love for fans as she carried on her tradition of bringing gifts for them.

IU’s gifts for fans | Instiz

As expected, the airport was full of netizens and media, all wanting a taste of IU. However, with so many fans, it wasn’t surprising that there were huge crowds as the idol made her way to the car.

Whenever an idol is at the airport, they always have a lot of security to ensure their safety, and it was no exception for IU. Considering the large crowds who were all crowding to get a glimpse of IU, the security guards ensured that they tried their hardest to protect the idol by pushing fans away.

| @ydh516_iu/Twitter 

Yet, IU showcased her true personality when reacting to seeing her fans being pushed aside. In a tweet that has gained attention, IU seemed to showcase her protectiveness towards the fans because, as she saw the security pushing Uaena and taking hold of their hands to move them away (IU fan name), she could be heard protesting.

Don’t push so hard like that. Don’t push like that.

| @ydh516_iu/Twitter

When the security was pushing fans and IU noticed one fall, a close-up video showed IU pulling the guards back so they wouldn’t hurt Uaena anymore.

| @jjjeong918/Twitter 

In another clip shared, IU can be seen making sure that a reporter who had fallen was okay, as she asked, “Are you okay?” before making her way to the car.

| @dlWldrma_iu/Twitter 

Of course, even when IU made her way to the car safely, the idol made sure she kept showcasing her love to the fans by waving to them until the moment she had to leave.

| @IU_winter/Twitter 

As always, IU proves that although she seems like an angel when performing, her personality is equally as beautiful. When the videos were shared, comments from Korean and international netizens couldn’t stop praising the idol and it isn’t hard to see why.


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