Indonesian EXO-Ls Took Their Support For EXO’s Chen To The Next Level With A Bachelor Party

Their support for Chen is on a whole other level!

EXO‘s Chen announced his marriage a few weeks back, and it brought a wave of shock to EXO-Ls. However, more than that, a lot of EXO-Ls were also supportive of his plans among others.

Indonesian EXO-Ls took their support to the next level and made sure their support for Chen is loud and clear as they threw him a Bachelor Party!

In the party, EXO-Ls sang and partied like there was no tomorrow!

The event was grand scale with fans even setting up a cardboard cutout of Chen sitting on a chair!

They also prepared various knick knacks which included a cupsleeve, an invitation, and photocards for fans who attended the event! The design and set up of the venue really showed how much the fans planned for this and how serious they are in supporting Chen and his marriage plans, and his happiness wherever and whatever that may be.

The bachelor party looked like a real party, with fans mingling everywhere, loud music playing, and people dancing around!

This one EXO-L even wore a wedding dress and a veil to get in the mood and was so hyped, she danced as hard as she can!

Indonesian EXO-Ls surely looked like they had a lot of fun meeting each other, and singing like there’s no tomorrow at Chen’s bachelor party!

Source: Twitter


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