I.O.I Kim Sohye’s True Character Revealed Following the Leak of Her Old Social Media Account

Kim Sohye had an online Q&A session with her classmates back in middle school.

I.O.I Kim Sohye‘s social media account from back when she was in middle school has recently been circulating in online communities.

The portion that is gaining particular attention is a Q&A session she had with her classmates where she received various anonymous questions.

When someone commented, “I thought you were scary at first, but you turned out to be nice. Let’s be friendly from now on” to which Kim Sohye replied, “Haha, okay. Sounds good. I’d love that.

Someone else wrote, “We were really close once, but we became distant and never made up. I wish we could go back in time. If that didn’t happen, we’d be closer now. If you read this and you know who I am, that’d mean you want to make up, too.

In response, Kim Sohye remarked, “Wait, seriously though. Who is this? I don’t dislike anyone right now. Let’s get closer!

That’s not all. Someone even asked, “Do you think you’re pretty?” to which Kim Sohye modestly answered, “I’m happy when people say I’m pretty, but I don’t think I am.

After seeing the kind words she left her classmates even before she debuted as an idol, fans are responding with comments such as “She was the same back then as she is now” and “She speaks in such a kind way“.

Source: Insight


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