Girl’s Day Reveal That ISAC Is A Hookup Zone For All Idols

“Could there be about 10 couples here?!”

Girl’s Day confirmed that there are definitely couples and new relationships forming at the yearly Idol Star Athletics Championship events.

On an episode of tvN‘s Life’s Bar, the Girl’s Day members talked about just how many couples can potentially be at a recording for the Idol Star Athletics Championships (ISAC). Yura mentioned that with all of the idols who participate, there are definitely a lot of idol couples.

“There’s so many people here all at the same time, there has to be at least 10 couples here.”

— Girl’s Day Yura


Hyeri added in that an ex-boyfriend or even an ex-ex-boyfriend may be at the event and creates some awkward tension. She likened the stadium that the ISAC is hosted in as a dating jungle.


Yura pointed out that idols look at each other with flirty expressions, but Hyeri and Sojin explained that they don’t become a couple just from that eye contact. Idols would look around for potential couple candidates to have a “some” with.

A “some” is an ambiguous relationship status where 2 people aren’t quite dating yet but seem more than just friends.

Yura gives her best flirty eye-contact.


In a previous episode of Life’s Bar, DIA‘s Chaeyeon mentioned that idols even secretly pass slips of paper with their phone numbers on them to spark relationships. EXID’s Hyerin and Sandara Park, on the other hand, have revealed some ISAC flirting secrets of their own.


Watch Girl’s Day talk about the flirting that goes on at ISAC below:

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