Here’s Why IU And Park Bo Gum Keep Diaries, And Why You Might Want To Too

They will convince you to start one today.

If there’s one thing that everyone has learned from watching movies it’s that diaries are the gateway for letting all your secrets into the world. While movies may make you think that way, the likelihood of that actually happening is very small. In fact, diaries are a good way to brainstorm ideas, find out more about yourself, and keep track of your goals in life.


Plus there are a number of Korean celebrities that have admitted to keeping diaries. IU, for example, has been keeping a diary since middle school.

“I started writing in a diary in my second year of middle school, however, I don’t write in it every day now. It’s a change I welcome. The reason why I started it in the first place was because I was anxious. I started writing in one to leave evidence that I lived.”

— IU


And although she may not write in it every day, she does still write in it when something special happens or she’s going through a rough time.

“I’m writing less and less since last year. I think it’s an optimistic change. Even if I don’t write in my diary, I feel comfortable. I only do so if something special happens or if I’m going through a rough time.”

— IU


But IU isn’t the only star that keeps one. Park Bo Gum once revealed on Hyori’s Homestay that he writes in his every night. Not only does he write about the things he did during the day but he also writes down any of his mistakes so that he can learn from them.

“I write about the things I did, but I also write about the mistakes that I made on that day. I came to realize that small mistakes are easily forgotten and constantly repeated. In order to avoid making the same mistake, I write them down in my diary and read through them once in a while.”

— Park Bo Gum


It might also help to know that Kim Woo Bin has been known to write down his thoughts. The actor kept a “thank-you” diary when he first started working in entertainment to keep himself humble and keep track of the little things in life.

“I didn’t want to get used to my popularity so I started writing a thank you diary. Whenever I have time, I write a note in my cell phone or on a receipt. Normally I just say something like, ‘thank you for not sleeping late today’ or ‘thank you very much for working hard today.'”

— Kim Woo Bin


And if you’re still not convinced that you should be keeping a diary, actor and singer Yoo Jun Sang might just convince you! He kept a journal for a very long time and kept track of all his training to help him really learn the material. It made such an impact on him that he has an outstanding offer to perform free of charge for anyone who finds the currently missing journal.

“I went to the Cannes Film Festival in 2012 and accidentally dropped it in a taxi. I still haven’t been able to find it. Sometimes I still try to remember what I wrote down but it isn’t easy to think of everything written on those 50 pages. I love that diary and anyone who finds it will get to see me perform free of charge.”

—Yoo Jun Sang


So while the movies may try convincing you that diaries should never be kept, these four Korean celebs will certainly make you reconsider keeping one yourself!

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