Here’s Why IU Chose SHINee’s Onew As Her Favorite Male Singer

She would love to collaborate with him!

Top boy group SHINee recently guested on an exciting episode of “IU’s Palette,” where IU revealed how much she admires Onew‘s beautiful voice!

At the beginning of the show, she explained how there are many reasons why she is drawn to Onew’s voice, and one of them is his stable tone.

It’s my first time saying this, but I think that your voice is the most ideal to me. If I were a guy, your voice would be very similar to how I wish mine would sound. I don’t think your tone changes.

— IU

IU described his voice as having a “pure boyishness” to it that doesn’t change even as he matures.

When I got older, my voice changed a lot as well. But your voice has stayed the same since debut. It has that pure boyishness, so when you sing ballad songs, you’d sing a high note. You don’t seem to do anything fancy, but it has a nice resonance.

— IU

She then showered him with the ultimate praise by admitting that he is her favorite male singer! Moreover, she revealed how much she would love to collaborate with him one day.

That’s how I felt a lot of the time. You are my favorite male singer. When I talk about a singer who I want to collaborate with, I just mention you.

— IU

Onew couldn’t believe her words, even asking her why she chose him. She simply responded by expressing excitement over finally revealing her thoughts after many years of working in the same industry: “Today, finally, after 14 years, we finally get to talk about it. I wish that we’ll get to sing together.

Catch the full interaction between SHINee and IU in the video below!

Source: 이지금 [IU Official]
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