IU’s Past Vocal Trainer Once Told Her To Quit Singing

IU‘s former vocal trainer Ha Dong Kyun recently discussed some harsh feedback he once gave her.

Ha Dong Kyun recently featured as a guest on Yoo Hee Yeol’s Sketchbook and shared a story about his time as IU’s vocal trainer.

Yoo Hee Yeol introduced Ha Dong Kyun using a story IU once told him. According to IU, her time training under Ha Dong Kyun was the most difficult time of her life. To emphasize this point, Yoo Hee Yeol shared a story he heard from IU herself.

“These are the things that I heard from IU. She said you would tell her ‘Hey, you can’t sing’ or ‘your voice is weird’. IU lived in Uijeongbu at the time, I heard you told her to go back home. Wow, that one is really immature.”

— Yoo Hee Yeol

Ha Dong Kyun tried to defend himself by saying everyone says the Uijeongbu phrase but ultimately ended up praising IU for how successful she has become.

“I probably did say that, but, well, it’s not just me, everyone says that. They all say ‘hey, if you’re going to be like that just go back to Uijeongbu’.

But now IU rules over Uijeongbu.”

— Ha Dong Kyun

Perhaps by telling her that she wasn’t good enough and should go home, Ha Dong Kyun was able to motivate IU to get to where she is today.

Source: Newsen

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