Here’s Just How Popular NCT’s Jaehyun Was Amongst Other Students When He Was In High School

He was famous in his high school.

NCT‘s Jaehyun may be the glorious, chic, hottie that he is now, but back in high school, he was practically everyone’s first love! A no brainer, given his handsome looks and genuine smile. Here’s just how popular he really was.

Jaehyun attended School Of Performing Arts in Seoul, one of the most famous schools that many idols have graduated from. As he is born in 1997, Jaehyun’s fellow alumni from the same year have often given testimony to his popularity.

SEVENTEEN’s Dokyum, DIA’s Jung Chaeyeon, who are both from his year, have spoken about his popularity on various radio shows. Even his junior, CLC’s Yeeun, also praised his popularity in SOPA. Dokyum explained that in high school, Jaehyun was so handsome that he didn’t dare to speak to him. As for Chaeyeon…

He was someone that listened to classes well, and he was very popular. He was very popular and listened to classes, and very lively.

— Chaeyeon

…even Yeeun only had praises for him.

Jaehyun sunbaenim. He was very popular, or so I heard very often from my friends. So I knew about him.

— Yeeun

During a random poll in school, Jaehyun also won first place in three different categories. For most handsome (16 votes), most charming (5 votes) and best dressed (5 votes).

Even VIINI (Kwon Hyunbin) explained that Jaehyun was practically a superstar in high school due to his handsome features and friendly nature.

On SOPA’s anonymous submissions Facebook page, Jaehyun is mentioned a few times.

Please post it as anonymous. I want to be close to Jung Jaehyun from Year 2. But I can’t approach him. Please tell me for him. I like you.

— Anon


Please post it as anonymous. Now he’s Jung Yoonoh from Grade 2 not Jung Jaehyun!! (Note: Jaehyun changed his name to Yoonoh in high school) How is that oppa? Oppa… Please tell me, someone!

— Anon

With such handsome features, it’s no wonder. He looks amazing in his uniform.

We’d love to have a sunbae like him too.

Source: theqoo


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