JAMIE Unleashes Her Inner Savage on DIVE Studios’ First Episode of “HWAITING”

She’s definitely one to watch out for.

DIVE Studios‘ first variety show, HWAITING has just begun, and it features K-Pop stars, Eric NamDay6‘s JaeKARD‘s BMAmber LiuJAMIEBTOB‘s Peniel, and LADIES’ CODE‘s Ashley.

On the very first show, the members played a game of “Eric is Over Ear”, which was hilarious, to begin with, but Jamie particularly stood out by unleashing her inner savagery.

Her presence was impossible to ignore right from her entrance when Eric Nam introduced her as the person “that just scares him”.

And when Eric proceeded to explain the game, “Eric is Over Ear”, Jamie didn’t hold back her honest thoughts.

When Eric first gave it away by talking when the other members were feeling a fake Eric Nam’s ears, Jamie didn’t hesitate to speak up, making everyone burst into laughter.

But the climax was when she dissed one of the Eric Nam’s for having small ears and questioning their hearing ability.

She even asked if they had to shout, to which Eric Nam explained that that person has feelings.

And when the girls’ team won the first game of the series, Jamie jokingly rubbed it in the guys’ faces with just one phrase: “Guys, learn!

As if that wasn’t hilarious enough, Jamie finished off her roasting session by correcting Peniel when he said, “You’re going to look like a college ‘oppa'”, with “College ‘appa'” (‘appa’ means dad in Korean).

Seeing from the first episode, Jamie just tells it as she sees it, and her hilarious savagery definitely makes her a member to watch out for in future episodes.

Check out the first episode of DIVE Studios’ HWAITING below:


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