“People Betrayed Me”—Jessi Opens Up About The Year She Suffered The Most

It was a difficult period in her life.

Jessi is the latest artist to be interviewed on TheKStarNextDoor. She opened up about a variety of topics ranging from her thoughts on wearing revealing clothing to becoming popular on variety shows.

Regarding the latter, she was asked by host Jonathan about how she spent 2022 after taking time off from the entertainment industry.

You took time off from TV for a while. How did you spend your time?

— Jonathan

She replied that this was the year she felt most tired. Contrary to what some people who only knew her from her variety show appearances believed, she was not idling around. Her schedule was packed with tours all over the world.

It was even more tiring. Last year, I had tours everywhere. My fans would know but the viewers in Korea think I’m idling.

— Jessi

According to Jessi, it was an incredibly difficult part of her career.

It was the hardest time of all.

— Jessi

She opened up about struggling with her mental health as a result of all the obstacles she faced. After she left P NATION in June 2022, she was left to fend for herself and encountered numerous betrayals.

People I knew betrayed me. I had no agency. I struggled the most mentally last year.

— Jessi

Though it was a traumatizing time, Jessi learned to grow from her experiences last year.

But one needs that to grow. That’s how I’m here now.

— Jessi

Last October 2022, Jessi made headlines after she was left stranded in Europe in between performance dates. She called out the tour organizer for his lack of professionalism.

I have to perform tomorrow….and this man keeps stranding me outside…

— Jessi

She even needed to pay for her own flight last minute from London to Paris.

Stuck in London.. Paying my own way to get to Paris to see my fans….Only if ya’ll knew what I’m going through…

— Jessi

Check out the full video below to learn more about Jessi.

Source: YouTube


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