BTS’s Jimin Helped His Friend’s Business Take off by Wearing Her Pants on Stage

She’s a friend of Jimin’s who met him at Busan High School of Arts.

Last November, BTS uploaded a concert rehearsal video on their official YouTube account showcasing Jimin‘s flawless dance moves.



What especially stood out to fans was the pants that he was wearing, which appeared to have a skirt layered on top.

As soon as the video was released, fans were quick to track down where the unique pants were from.

After much searching, it was revealed that the pants were made by Seon Jin, a friend of Jimin, who met Jimin at Busan High School of Arts.

Seon Jin is a famous YouTuber who creates content related to makeup and dance, but she took it a step further and entered the clothing market with her “Seonjin Pants”.

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뚜둔!! 드디어 오픈된 #선진팬츠 겨울버전!!💙❤️✨ 정말 많은 분들께서 선진팬츠를 찾아주시고 계세요 ㅠㅠ (정말 감사합니당 꾸벅🙇🏻‍♀️) 여러분들께서 선진팬츠 겨울버전으로도 나왔으면 좋겠다라는 의견을 살짝쿵 주셔서 제가..또..바로..만들어버렸숨다!!👍🏻🌟 물론 이쁘고 멋스럽고 따숩게!!!!! 안감 기모 덕분에 찬바람이 불어도 끄떡없다구용!🔥 진짜 핵 핵 핵 편하답니다!!! 제 13시간 비행을 함께해준 친구이기도 하쥬ㅋㅋ✨👍🏻 사이즈는 S 부터 출시했구 곧 M 도 출시될 예정입니다! (저는 S사이즈 착용했어요 ㅎㅎ) 색상은 블랙,오트밀,와인 3가지로 출시되었으니 관련된 더 자세한 정보는 춤선 홈페이지에서 참고해주세요!!❤️ #오늘도즐거운하루 #아뿅 #💃🏻 @choomsun_official

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And the pants Jimin wore during rehearsals were the same “Seonjin Pants”.

Although her pants are not designer or expensive, they started selling like hotcakes once her friend Jimin wore it on stage.

Jimin’s level of loyalty is making fans react with responses such as “Jimin is such a good friend“, “He’s so loyal“, and “Those pants look really good on Jimin“.

Source: Insight


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