Kai Caught Staring Intensely At Jennie During BLACKPINK’s Performance

This could be the moment he fell in love:

A fancam from three years ago caught EXO Kai‘s reaction to BLACKPINK‘s performance. and he was staring intensely at Jennie.


The cam, which dated back to November 2016, showed the EXO members sitting in a line watching BLACKPINK’s performance.


Kai could be seen bobbing his head to the music, but when it was Jennie’s turn, Kai completely stopped all movement in his body and put all his focus on Jennie.


Then as soon as Jennie’s part was over, he began to sing along with Rose’s part.


As Kai was about to bob his head to the music again, he completely stopped when he saw Jennie come out for her solo part and put all his focus on watching the performance.


This may well be the moment Kai fell in love with Jennie! Watch the full video below:

Source: Youtube


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