Kang Ho Dong Calls out TV Producer for Using His Portrait Without Permission

Kang Ho Dong is very convinced the portrait is of him.

On a recent episode of Channel A’s Eye Contact, Kang Ho Dong opened up about the time he called out the producer of Ask Anything Fortune Teller for using his protrait without his permission.

Regarding the said producer, Lee Sang Min asked, “If you look at the concept and formatting of his work, you could come up with a rational explanation for why he did that.

In response, Kang Ho Dong explained, “Coincidentally, they left me out of the cast but hung up a photo of me in the back.


He continued, “But when I called him and told him he should have asked for my permission and offered a fee, he said that the portrait wasn’t of me, but a Chinese man.


Once Lee Sang Min heard Kang Ho Dong’s complaint, he lightened up the mood by joking, “Well, to be fair, there are lots of Chinese people that look like Kang Ho Dong. I can’t deny that.

Source: Insight
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