Koreans can win ₩5,000,000 by voting in their upcoming presidential election

Korean citizens can be entered into a lottery to win ₩5 million KRW (approximately $4,392 USD) as long as they vote in the upcoming presidential elections.

South Koreans will be voting on their next President after former president Park Geun Hye was impeached following a multitude of political controversies. In an effort to encourage more voters, a “voters lottery” will be held, where winners will receive up to ₩5 million KRW if picked.

The idea was suggested by the writer for JTBC‘s popular political talk show, Ssulzun, Yoo Si Min. In order to participate, citizens will have to first vote for their candidate, then take a photo of their voter’s stamp and email address to prove they voted.

Finally, they’ll need to visit the Vote For Korea website, verify their Kakaotalk accounts, and upload their photo of their stamp and email to be entered in the lottery.

Citizens must first vote, then take a photo of their voter’s stamp and email address, then upload it onto the voter’s webpage.

The prize money will be collected through donations from citizens who supported the idea of the voter’s lottery, and 4 winners will be chosen. T

he first winner will receive 50% of the prize money (up to ₩5 million KRW), the second will win 20% (up to ₩2 million KRW), the third 10% (up to ₩1 million KRW) and the fourth will receive ₩50,000 KRW.

Koreans will be able to vote beginning May 9, 2017.

Source: Insight and Vote For Korea

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