K-Pop, K-Drama, K-Beauty… What’s Next On The Rise? K-Macarons And K-Almonds


Over the past decade, the world witnessed an exponential growth in “K-Things”: That is, K-Pop, K-Drama, and even K-Beauty. Now that a new decade has dawned, there are two more K-Things on the rise. We introduce to you, K-Macarons and K-Almonds!

Macarons, a sweet meringue-based snack, hails from France. Classic French macarons look like this, more or less:

But Koreans, with their incredibly aesthetic abilities, have taken these nom-noms and turned them into bigger…

… fatter…

… and fancier goods. Talk about a glow up!

Some baking-masters have even taken these macarons on a whole new spin — and traded the crunchy shell on the outside with chewy rice cake —  to create the K-Macaron of all K-Macarons:

These beautified K-Macarons have become a popular gift choice for both locals and foreigners, as their dramatic visuals guarantee a fascinated reaction!

On the other hand, in the hottest tourist destination of Myungdong, Seoul, you’ll find this “House of Almonds”.

Officially branded the “Honey Butter Almond & Friends (HBAF)”, this store will make your K-Almond dreams come true.

From the original honey butter almonds…

… to the more experimental flavors like mint chocolate almonds…

… and even the trendy ones like black sugar milk tea almonds…

… you name it, HBAF has it!

Much thanks to the global love for these Korean-flavored nuts, the company behind HBAF, Gilim International, is now a multi-billion dollar business. Gilim looks forward to creating more deliciously addicting K-Almonds for the brave & curious!

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