Lee Ji Ah Instantly Transformed Into Her “Penthouse” Character On “Delicious Rendezvous” And Shocked Super Junior’s Heechul

Her acting skills are unbelievable!

Lee Ji Ah‘s acting skills are incredible, even when she’s far from The Penthouse: War in Life‘s set!

| @e.jiah/Instagram

Ji Ah once appeared on SBS‘s Delicious Rendezvous, a variety show in which the cast and guests create new menus using local specialties to sell in various locations, like rest areas, airports, and railway stations.


As Ji Ah washed cabbages, Super Junior‘s Heechul chopped vegetables and asked, “We don’t need to blur out the knife, right?”


When the rest of the cast asked Heechul why they would need to blur out the knife, he explained that the Penthouse editors blurred out the knife in a scene where Ji Ah’s character, Shim Su Ryeon, held a knife up to Um Ki Joon‘s character, Joo Dan Tae.


Then, Heechul explained that the knife doesn’t get blurred out if you’re using it to cook, but it does get blurred out if you hold it menacingly.


Ji Ah laughed at Heechul’s explanation and then recreated the scene Heechul was referencing.

| KOCOWA TV/YouTube 

Heechul and the rest of the cast were shocked by Ji Ah’s instant transformation into Su Ryeon, and we were just as floored by her incredible acting skills!




Source: Image (1) and (2)

Super Junior

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