MAMAMOO Hwasa’s Fruit Art Left Everyone Who Saw It In Stitches, Including Herself

She had such a good sense of humor about it.

MAMAMOO‘s Hwasa is glamorous, talented, and relatable AF.

Source: News1

In a previous episode of Home Alone (episode 282), Hwasa decided to try tangerine peeling art. She was very serious about the matter and took the time to carefully follow the instructions and drew the lines as neatly as possible.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube
Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

After drawing lines to use as a guide, Hwasa begins to meticulously cut into the fruit using scissors.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

In fact, she was focusing so intently on making the perfect tangerine rabbit that the juice from the fruit splashed in her eye!

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Despite the pain she suffered during the creation, she persevered and continued on with making the artwork.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Everyone was excited to see the result of Hwasa’s hard work…

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

… Until they actually saw it. Even Hwasa was like, “tf” when she saw her creation.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

The result left everyone, especially Hwasa, in stitches. Even though it didn’t come out exactly as she intended, it still turned out pretty good (you can still sort of identify what it’s supposed to be) and Hwasa was such a good sport about it that it feels okay to laugh with her.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube




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