MAMAMOO’s Hwasa Confesses Why It’s Sometimes Too Tiring For Her To Perform On Stage

Hwasa says that because of this, she couldn’t bend her knees after.

Whenever you think of MAMAMOO‘s Hwasa, the first concepts that may come to your mind are…

…her powerful stage outfits that make her look like a complete goddess, or…

…her equally powerful performances that have managed to take the breath away of fans and fellow celebrities alike. But did you know that because she always gives her all when she’s performing, sometimes she feel like it’s too tiring for her?

As part of her promotions for Coca Cola‘s Golden Peak tea, Hwasa was interviewed — carpool-style. During her interview, she shared random facts about her that not many MooMoos may be aware of.

When asked about what she wanted to achieve for the year, Hwasa started off by saying that her goal is simply just to stay healthy.

And after they talked a bit about Hwasa’s struggle to eat yukhoe bibimbap (seasoned raw beef on mixed rice), Hwasa was told that she had an easy-going personality.

Hwasa agreed when she was told that she laughs well…

…and she even says that she’s gentle whenever she’s off the stage. But whenever she’s performing on stage, it gets tiring for her, too.

The reason is because she’s so sensitive, and whenever she performs, she gives it her absolute best — like it’s her last day alive!

There was even a time when she needed to kneel down and slide on her knees: Hwasa gave her everything when she performed this dance choreography, so her knees finally gave in to the point that she couldn’t bend them anymore.

Sometimes, since Hwasa cares too much about perfecting her performance, she forgets to handle her body gently.

This just goes to show that Hwasa’s extremely devoted to perfecting her performances every time she has the chance to do so.

Keep on slaying, Queen Hwasa — but don’t forget to take care of yourself, too!


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