MAMAMOO’s Solar Revealed Her Healthy Recipe For The Perfect Springtime Snack

You MUST try this.

With the spring and summer months approaching, now is the perfect time to follow MAMAMOO Solar‘s favorite healthy recipes.

She created Greek yogurt, a protein-rich snack that she believes will get her in the habit of eating healthily.

[By making it yourself,] you can eat Greek yogurt that tastes a lot better than what they sell at stores.

— Solar

Solar introduced fans to her own method, the “9292” rule.

Leave it to age for 9 hours, put it in the fridge for 2 hours, leave it again for 9 hours, then put in the fridge for 2 hours.

— Solar

To begin the recipe, Solar uses 900 mL of milk, but any probiotic yogurt drink will work just as well. She notes 900 mL produces about a fist size of yogurt.

Optional: You can also add a storebought yogurt starter.

It’s in powder form, probiotic, condensed. They sell this.

Step 1: She decides on a 6L bucket of milk to produce a lot of Greek yogurt, adds 6 yogurt starters, and stirs with a wooden spoon. She then leaves the whole container in a tub of warm water for 9 hours.

Step 2: She places the container in the fridge for 2 hours.

Step 3: Next, she must remove the whey (a liquid that is produced in the process). Using two layers of cotton gauze, she transfers the yogurt to a colander with a bowl underneath to catch the drainage.

Step 4: She then ties off the top with the cotton gauze, and adds an object on top to apply pressure to the yogurt. Don’t afraid to get creative with your objects like Solar. Place in the fridge again and wait 9 hours.

Step 5: Remove the yogurt and separate into containers. Finally, place back in the fridge for 2 hours and your yogurt will be ready!

Follow along with Solar at home by watching below!

She also has other healthy recipes to follow along with, including her go-to kale smoothie in the article below.

MAMAMOO’s Solar Reveals Her Secret Health Juice Recipe For Her Slim Physique


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