Mino Reveals He’s Worried About Going Bald

WINNER‘s Mino revealed he’s currently concerned about his hair loss for this one reason.

In a recent episode of MBC‘s talk show, Radio Star, WINNER’s Mino guest starred and revealed that his hair has been thinning and that he was worried to be losing so much hair at such a young age.

Mino bashfully laughed while sharing his concerns about his hair thinning with the studio.

Mino shared his concerns with the studio after Kyuhyun mentioned that he once ended up grabbing a fist full of Mino’s hair during a game in an entertainment show.

Mino explained that he had naturally thin hair and that his old habits of wearing hats too often may have affected the thickness of his hair.

“I’m not balding, I naturally don’t have much hair. However, my dad went bald so I am a little worried. I wore a lot of hip-hop hats when I was young, so I guess that’s why I have less hair.”

— WINNER’s Mino

Mino’s father noticed his son’s increasingly thinning hair, and he reportedly purchased a helmet-like instrument with laser therapy to help him avoid going bald. Mino, however, found the helmet humiliating and didn’t reveal whether he had ever utilized it.

Source: Munhwa News

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