Monbebes Continue To Trend Hashtags To Show Support For MONSTA X’s Wonho

Monbebes will not give up in this fight!

With the recent news regarding MONSTA X‘s Wonho leaving his respective group, Monbebes have trended multiple hashtags worldwide to show their never-ending support for him.

The hashtags “#AllInForMONSTAX7” and “#MONSTAXWeAreHere” trended at second and at third respectively.

Later in the day, the hashtags “#WeBelieveInMONSTAX” and “#HopeForWonho” trended worldwide on Twitter as well, with fans expressing their love and support for Wonho as they continue to fight against his departure.

Monbebes poured out their hearts in multiple tweets saying how much they love Wonho and that they will support MONSTA X until the end. Many fans, even outside the Monbebe fandom, have expressed their dismay with the recent events, and have also helped Monbebes in trending the hashtags.

Still, Monbebes are continuing to encourage one another to keep tweeting the hashtag with hopes of Wonho deciding to come back and stay with MONSTA X.

Former MONSTA X's Wonho vs. Jung Da Eun

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