Moon Ka Young Praised by Netizens for Wearing a Yellow Ribbon for 3 Years in a Row

She hasn’t forgotten for 3 years in a row.

On April 16, actress Moon Ka Young posted a photo of herself with a yellow ribbon on her hair on her official Instagram account.



And what’s making this photo gain particular attention is the fact that Moon Ka Young uploaded similar photos with a yellow ribbon for 3 years in a role on April 16.

April 16 is the day the Sewol Ferry Accident happened 6 years back, and Moon Ka Young hasn’t forgotten to remember the victims for the last 3 years.

Last year, Moon Ka Young posted a photo of herself with another yellow ribbon in her hair on the set of Welcome to Waikiki 2.

And similarly, in 2018, she posted a photo of herself with a yellow ribbon while she was filming Tempted.

In response, many fans are praising Moon Ka Young of her unique and impactful way of remembering the victims of the Sewol Ferry Accident.

The sinking of Sewol Ferry took place on April 16, 2014, and due to mishandlings of the accident, a total of 304 victims died, 250 of whom were high school students who were on their way to Jeju Island for a school trip.

In Korea, the yellow ribbon is a symbol of remembrance of the Sewol Ferry victims.

Source: Dispatch
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