Koreans Photoshop Sulli and Suzy’s Face Together To Create The Ultimate K-Pop Visual

Suzy and Sulli are nicknamed “the nation’s first love” due to their angelic natural beauty and feminine traits, but what would they look like if their faces were morphed together?

A recent post in an online community portal uploaded several photoshopped photos of some of Korea’s most gorgeous idols, and their combined looks are enough to blow anyone away.

The faces of Suzy, Sulli, Sohee, Red Velvet‘s IreneTWICE‘s Tzuyu, Taeyeon, Lee Sung Kyung, and BLACKPINK‘s Jisoo were morphed together in different combinations. As all the faces that were combined were already incredibly beautiful, the end results were astounding.

Check out the morphed photos of idols below!

Suzy & Sulli

Their combined faces produce a face similar to that of a young Kim Hee Sun.
Can you figure out which of their traits were combined?

Suzy & Sulli & Sohee

If you look carefully, she has Sohee’s eyes, Sulli’s lips, and Suzy’s nose!

Red Velvet’s Irene & BLACKPINK’s Jisoo

Can you see both Irene and Jisoo in this photo?

Taeyeon & Lee Sung Kyung & TWICE’s Tzuyu

All of the idols’ traits have blended in perfectly to create another gorgeous idol.

Source: Dispatch

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