NCT Dream’s Renjun And Chenle Can Read Each Others’ Minds, And It Gave Everyone Chills

Haechan was impressed.

On NCT Dream‘s latest appearance on Weekly Idol, a TMI was revealed about each member based on what the group chose.

For Renjun‘s, it was revealed that he doesn’t like to eat cold things in the morning since people in China traditionally enjoy warm porridge for breakfast.

So, the hosts asked him when he likes to eat cold foods. And, this is where everyone got mind-blown. Renjun responded, “Whenever I want,” at exactly the same time that Chenle said, “Whenever he wants.”

After realizing they had said the same thing at the same time, they gave each other a handshake/hug combo to celebrate. And, the hosts had been so amazed that they stood up and clapped.

It was so well-timed that Jeno asked what they were doing while Haechan said it gave him goosebumps.

No one had been expecting it at all, even Renjun and Chenle themselves. See their mind reading skills in action here.


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