Ong Seongwu Confesses He Miserably Failed His No-Flour Diet

At least he tried.

Ong Seongwu recently held a V Live broadcast with his fans following his At Eighteen fan meeting in Taiwan.

During his chat with his fans, one fan asked, “I heard you quit eating flour. Are you eating it again?” to which he laughed and replied, “Yes, I’m eating it again. I’m sorry.

He then explained, “I really tried to stick with it. I did have a bite if someone next to me was eating it, but I really didn’t eat any besides that. But I did it. I started eating flour again.

Ong Seongwu then protested, “You understand, right? How can someone never eat flour in their life? That’s not possible!

He continued to mutter that he ate it, and fans couldn’t help but laugh at his guilt.

At least he tried!


Source: Dispatch

Wanna One

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