Park Bo Gum Meant Every Second Of This Completely Heartbreaking Scene From “Reply 1988”

Beware, you’re about to burst into tears with him.

Park Bo Gum, who took on the role of Choi Taek in the hit K-Drama series Reply 1988, actually had a lot in common with the character — the most significant one being their losses.


While the character Choi Taek lost his mother at five years of age, Park Bo Gum lost his mother when he was in fourth grade of elementary school. This family history was actually revealed via another TV program, Youth Over Flowers, which released a clip from Park Bo Gum’s initial audition for Reply 1988. When the producing staff asked Park Bo Gum about his relationship with his parents, he shared that his mother had passed away when he was in fourth grade.


He was then captured pouring his heart out while reading the lines meant to be from a son to his mother. Seeing from his tears of anguish, viewers realized the wound is deep and still painful for Park Bo Gum.


That being said, K-Drama viewers — to this day — remain completely heartbroken over one of the most sorrowful scenes from the Reply series. In the second episode, actor Sung Dong Il asks Park Bo Gum when he most misses his mother. And as soon as the question hits, Park Bo Gum’s eyes fill up with tears.


As Choi Taek, Park Bo Gum answers, “Everyday.” At the time this episode aired, even before viewers knew anything about Park Bo Gum’s personal connection to the scene, they were emotional about it as it came:

Everyday… I miss my mom every single day.

— Park Bo Gum as Choi Taek


But once various behind-the-scene stories revealed that Park Bo Gum cried a river after shooting this particular moment, viewers became even more devastated. Park Bo Gum’s fans were torn to find out that he wasn’t “acting” when he talked about missing his mom so dearly.


Now, viewers can’t get past this scene and episode without crying with Park Bo Gum. It has become possibly one of the most emotional scenes in all of the “Reply” series.

Watch the tragic scene below:

Source: Nate Pann
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