These Personality Types Make The Perfect Relationship With BTS

BTS released their Myers-Briggs personality test results and now we know who they’re most compatible with.

BTS released a self-evaluated resumes that included their MTBI personality types.

The popular MTBI questionnaire was first published in 1943 was first developed by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers, after noticing a difference in the way people viewed the world and that her theories closely resembled the theories included in Carl Jung’s publication of Psychological Types.


Jin – INTP: “Logician”

Jin’s personality type is an Introversion, Intuition, Thinking, and Perceiving. Individuals with this personality type are considered the most independent and theoretical of all the personality types, as well as open minded, honest, enthusiastic, and very dedicated.

The personality types ENTJ, and ENFJ is the most compatible with the INTP personality.


Suga – INFP: “Mediator”

INFP is Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception. The INFP personality type is incredibly rare. Those with this personality type are loyal, caring, sensitive and are known as being dreamers. They tend to look for the good in people and events, and will always aim to make things better.

Those with the INFP personality type are most compatible with ENFJ or the ESFJ personality type.


J-Hope – ESFJ: “Consul”

J-Hope has an ESFJ, which stands for Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment. Those with this personality type are caregivers and are often outgoing, loyal, organized and very gentle in nature. ESFJ individuals tend to be very popular due to their friendly personality.

The two personality types most compatible with ESFJ are the ISFP and the INFP personality type.


Rap Monster – INFP: “Mediator”

INFP stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception. Those with INFP personality types tend to be quirky and creative, as well as poets, writers, and actors. While these individuals tend to be shy or reserved, they are full of passion, and when they are given the inspiration to do so, they can free this passion.

Rap Monster is most compatible with the ENFJ, or the ESFJ personality type.


Jimin – ENFJ: “Protagonist”

ENFJ stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Judgement. Those with this personality type are natural-born leaders and are full of both passion and charisma. These individuals have strong and genuine personalities and can communicate with others easily.

As a person with the ENFJ personality type, Jimin is most compatible with those that have the INFP personality type and the ISFP.


V – ENFP: “Campaigner”

ENFP stands for Extraversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception. Those with this personality type are free spirits, charming, independent and compassionate. They seek creativity and freedom, and full of life and also know how to switch over into a relaxed state of mind.

V is most compatible with the INTJ and the INFJ personality types.


Jungkook – INFP: “Mediator”

INFP stands for Introversion, Intuition, Feeling, Perception. This idol prefers to be alone, but still values close relationships and tend to be very interested in others.

Jungkook is most compatible with the ENFJ, or the ESFJ personality type.


Source: 16 Personalities and Personality Page


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