You Probably Didn’t Know “Produce X 101” Geum Donghyun’s Eyes Turn into Macarons When He Smiles

Geum Donghyun’s “macaron eyes” are guaranteed to brighten up your day.

A post consisting of multiple photos of Produce X 101‘s Geum Donghyun has recently surfaced in an online community under the title, “Geum Donghyun’s Eyes Turn into Macarons Every Time He Smiles“.

The shared photos show Geum Donghyun smiling and making his eyes look like a crescent moon.

The way his eyes smile resembles the two breaded sides of a macaron and white cream that’s in between, which is how he earned the nickname, “Macaron”.

And this can be clearly seen in the photos which might make some fans squeal and other fans grow hungry.

With the final episode of Produce X 101 airing this Friday, fans are anxious to find out if this adorable candidate will come out on top.

Source: Insight


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