Rap Monster Was Forbidden From Joining BTS, Until He Said One Thing That Changed His Fate

Rap Monster’s decision to become a rapper was initially met with some hesitancy from his mother, who wanted him to focus on his grades.

He convinced his mother to let him become a star rapper by framing his dream in a specific way.

“When I was a student, I wrote lyrics but I had to study as well.

So, I wrote and hid my lyrics on scrap pieces of paper in between my workbooks.

Whenever I got caught, I’d get into a lot of trouble.

As time went on, my mom saw a lot more of these kinds of things. If I think about this now, what I told my mom back then was really cringe-worthy.

My grades were about 5,000th place in the country. If I were to keep going the path I was, I would’ve been a successful man with a plain job.

But, no matter how smart people told me I was, I was 5000th in the country.

However, I was positive I’d be number 1 in the country when it came to rap.

So I asked my mom whether she liked a son that was 1st or a son that was 5000th place.

The conversation resulted in me being allowed to follow my dreams.”

– Rap Monster

rapmon letter

The choice between a son who is 5,000th, or who is first… when put it like that, it sounds like a good deal!

On BTS’ track “Interlude: Wings”, Rap Monster raps “난 내가 하기싫은 일로 성공하긴 싫어 난 날 밀어.” 

It means that he doesn’t want to succeed with something he does not want to do.

He pushes himself and his own decisions, and has really made his family proud!

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