Ravi Publicly Denounces The Artists Who Plagiarized VIXX This Year
VIXX‘s Ravi has finally spoken up about the multiple times they were plagiarized by different artists from around the world.
Over the course of just a few months, VIXX has suffered from a rash of plagiarism of several of their songs. Turkish rapper Kursun and Egyptian singer Reda Mandor plagiarized VIXX’s “Dynamite”, Chinese group TVBOYS plagiarized VIXX’s entire performance of “Heroes of the Remix”, and Produce 101 contestant Jung Wonchul plagiarized N’s solo performance from their concert.
Fans have, understandably, been outraged by these incidents but, until now, VIXX had remained relatively silent on the issue.
Ravi finally decided to speak up about the multiple times they were plagiarized and turned to Twitter to voice his opinion.
“The phrase ‘I want to become a trend’ doesn’t mean you should ignore our fans and hurt them by taking my music and using it as your own. In creating anything, there is a distinct difference between being influenced by references and copying and pasting, just as there is a difference between being dignified and being shameless.”
'트렌드가 되고싶다' 이 말은
내 음악을 가져다 베끼고 우리 팬들을 무시하며 상처주라는게 아닙니다.
작품을 만드는 것에 있어 레퍼런스로 영향 받는 것과 가져다 붙여넣는건 분명한 차이가 있고 당당한 것과 뻔뻔한 것은 차이가 있습니다.— VIXX_Ravi (@AceRavi) May 21, 2017
“There are times where we creators will face trial an error, and we can be proud of our creations, but I believe there’s a big difference in how we say it. It’s really unpleasant to see people ignoring and hurting me and the fans who love and support my music.”
창작자로서 시행착오를 겪을 수도 있고 자신의 작품에 자부심을 가질 수도 있지만 말을 어떻게 하는지에 따라 커다란 차이가 있다고 생각합니다. 저와 제 음악을 사랑하고 지지해주는 저의 팬들을 무시하며 상처주는 행동은 굉장히 불쾌하네요.
— VIXX_Ravi (@AceRavi) May 21, 2017
“Instead of arguing whether it’s plagiarism or not, we tried to think of it as ‘We’ve influenced someone in this way’ because we also get inspiration from others. I hope everyone who creates content after being inspired by our content thinks about it thoroughly so that they don’t do anything that hurts us and our fans.”
— VIXX’s Ravi
표절이다 뭐다 말이 나와도 맞다 아니다 싸우기보다는 저희도 무언가로부터 영감을 받기에 '누군가에게 우리가 어떠한 영향을 끼쳤구나' 라며 좋게 생각하고 있었습니다.
저희의 컨텐츠에 영향을 받아서 결과물을 만드시는 모든 분들이 잘 생각하셨으면 좋겠고— VIXX_Ravi (@AceRavi) May 21, 2017
저희와 팬들에게 상처가 되는 행동을 하지 않으셨으면 좋겠습니다.
— VIXX_Ravi (@AceRavi) May 21, 2017