Recent Photos Of Haru Show How Fast She’s Growing Up

She’s gotten so big!

Tablo‘s daughter Lee Haru isn’t a baby anymore… and we can’t believe how grown up she looks now!

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Time seems to have flown by because Haru just celebrated her eighth birthday!

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Even if Haru does seem to be growing up at an alarming rate she’s still the cutest kid ever!

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While she may be cute she also seems to be getting prettier each day.

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Plus, she’s starting to look more and more like her dad as she gets older!

Just look at those matching pouty faces!


And don’t even get us started on how adorable Haru and her mom are together.

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No wonder Haru can’t stop smiling so brightly in all her photos!

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Having wonderful parents like Tablo and Kang Hye Jung is basically the ultimate family goals.

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Just look at how sweet the three of them look together!

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But it won’t be long before Haru hits her teenage years and breaks many hearts with growing beauty.

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Regardless of how much she grows up though, she’ll always be adorable little Haru to us!

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