Red Velvet Irene Falls Down Flight Of Stairs, Rescued By Park Bo Gum

Park Bo Gum, the gentleman, does it again!

The time Park Bo Gum rescued Red Velvet’s Irene from falling down the stairs still makes fans’ hearts flutter.


Back when Park Bo Gum and Irene were co-hosts for Music Bank, fans caught this precious moment on camera. As Irene was walking down the stairs, she seemed to have tripped and nearly fell over.


Just in time, Park Bo Gum caught her and rescued her from what could have been a dangerous accident. He continued to hold her hand until he knew for sure that she was okay.


Although this is one of the incidents that made fans swoon, this was certainly not the first time Park Bo Gum helped Irene when she needed it.


When Irene fainted during a live broadcast of Music Bank, Park Bo Gum set his hands on Irene’s shoulder and did his best to help her while trying to prevent a big accident on the live broadcast.

Although the incident was a prank for April fool’s, Park Bo Gum looked seriously concerned for Irene!


Moreover, Park Bo Gum was also a true gentleman when he held Irene’s hand as she stepped down the stairs of the stage with high heels.


Irene personally mentioned that this is something Park Bo Gum always does for her.


Not only were the two co-hosts extremely caring towards each other, they had exceptional chemistry during the entire 14 months they hosted Music Bank together.


Due to the chemistry of their bright personalities and gorgeous visuals, there were rumors that the two stars were secretly dating.


Seeing that Irene wasn’t even aware of their dating rumors, it’s highly likely that fans were just hoping that the two were dating since they seemed so good for each other!


Let us hope that Park Bo Gum and Irene rekindle their chemistry through a new project soon! Meanwhile, watch Park Bo Gum and Irene’s legendary “One and a Half” performance!

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