Red Velvet’s Joy Doesn’t Think Her Selca Game Is Strong But ReVeluvs Beg To Differ

ReVeluvs know that Joy is really the queen of selcas!

Red Velvet‘s Joy is the absolute queen of selcas. In each of her photos, she always manages to not only capture her heart-fluttering visuals but her sweet personality always comes through too! According to her, however, her selca game just isn’t that strong!

Image: @_imyour_joy/Instagram

Wanting to know about Joy’s selca secrets, GQ Korea asked Joy if she could share any tips for snapping the perfect photo in a recent TMI session.

Joy’s tips, however, weren’t what anyone expected! After she finished reading the question, Joy started off by saying that she doesn’t think she takes selcas very well…

I don’t take selcas very well. My fans tell me that photos taken by others are better than the ones I take by myself.

— Joy

And revealed that she thinks the photos taken by her close friend are the best!

Seohyun, my stylist, takes photos of me the most. One of my closest friends, Jiyoung, always pulls out the best shots.

— Joy

After hearing Joy’s answer, ReVeluvs simply can’t help disagreeing with her! While fans do like the photos taken by her stylist and friend, they also absolutely love every single selca that Joy herself takes too!

Image: @_imyour_joy/Instagram

ReVeluvs were also absolutely ready to fight whoever it was that had told Joy that they preferred the other photos to her own!

With all the love from fans hopefully, Joy will realize that her selca game is incredibly strong and claim her title as selca queen! Check out Joy’s selca confession and more below:

Red Velvet

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