Remember When ITZY’s Chaeryeong Broke Down Crying On National TV Because She Was Sad

She tried to hide her crying face but was unsuccessful as her members noticed her tears.

During an appearance on Weekly Idol, the ladies of ITZY were challenged to give one another sincere compliments, starting with Lia and Chaeryeong. Lia reached out and tenderly held Chaeryeong’s face in her hands as she said, “You are such a precious one.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Despite saying that she always receives praise from her fellow members, Lia’s words appeared to really touch Chaeryeong’s heart because she started crying! Chaeryeong explained she couldn’t help but cry because she was so touched.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

The hosts, as well as the other members of ITZY, couldn’t hold back their surprise.

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Much to everyone’s surprise, it wasn’t just Chaeryeong who broke down crying—Lia did as well!

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Both of them just couldn’t hold back their tears, and a host even ran to grab tissues for them!

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

When asked why she cried, Chaeryeong explained that it was because she was sad!

Source: KOCOWA TV/YouTube

Awww, poor Chaeryeong! She’s so sweet and soft-hearted. It’s pretty obvious the members of ITZY all love each other very much, considering one member can move another to tears!

Watch the whole clip below:


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