Reporter Oh Sang Jin’s Wife Had This Fascinating BTS Dream Before She Found Out About Her Pregnancy

BTS, the bearer of all good news.

On a recent episode of Happy Together, TV reporter Oh Sang Jin shared news of his wife being 7 months pregnant with their daughter. He was thrilled to become a father and explained that his wife had an amazing “conception dream” featuring BTS‘s golden maknae, Jungkook.

Oh Sang Jin and wife Kim So Young


When one of the show hosts asked Oh Sang Jin if either he or his wife had a dream to foretell the pregnancy, Oh Sang Jin mentioned that his wife had quite a memorable one.

Koreans culturally believe that there are special dreams (태몽, taemong) that predict the conception or the birth of a child, most often had by the parents or immediate family, relatives, or even close friends.


In the conception dream that Oh Sang Jin’s wife had, she saw a giant elephant approach her. Elephants are considered to symbolize wealth – and when culturally specific symbols like this appear in dreams, they are often thought to be foretelling conception or good future.


On the back of this elephant, BTS’s Jungkook was riding. Oh Sang Jin mentioned that his wife has long been an ARMY since BTS’s earlier days. And her favorite member has always been Jungkook. So he wasn’t surprised when it was Jungkook coming to share the good news in her dream!


According to Oh Sang Jin, his wife saw Jungkook holding a pair of nice, clean sneakers too. Jungkook then stopped in front of Oh Sang Jin’s wife, handed her the shoes, then rode off. Both the wife and Oh Sang Jin immediately knew this was the best conception dream of all dreams.


Before having found out that they are expecting a girl, Oh Sang Jin and his wife thought they have conceived a boy, based on the dream. It turned out though, the happily married couple will be having a beautiful girl! When the show hosts predicted the girl will be smart and successful, like BTS, Oh Sang Jin couldn’t hide his happiness and thanked them for the kind words!

Watch the full clip here:



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