Where Is She Now? The Young Model Who Went Viral For Her Wrinkles
When you hear the word model, you are likely to think of the stereotypical image of a runway model. While tall and thin has been the standard in the past, many models are now of all shapes, sizes, and ages.
Maxim Korea’s plus-size contest is just one example of how times have changed.
In 2017, a 26-year-old model challenged conventional beauty standards, going viral in the process.
Sara Geurts has a disorder called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which typically affects the connective tissues in the skin, joints, and blood vessels.
In Sara’s case, it has affected the collagen production in her body, making her skin wrinkled.
Despite her hardships, she was determined to show the world her beauty and strongly encouraged others to do the same.
My skin was my biggest insecurity, but now I think it’s the most beautiful thing ever. Each imperfection you have is individual to you, and it tells a story about you and who you are, and the struggle and the journey that you have been on.
—Sara Geurts
In the five years since, Sara, now 32, has continued modeling, sharing many gorgeous photos on her Instagram.
She’s also active on TikTok, though she does not post as much as on Instagram.
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According to a GoFundMe shared on her account, Sara has been diagnosed with Craniocervical Instability, leading to several hospital stays over the last few years.
Despite these health issues, Sara has continued to live life to the fullest with her partner and fiancé. Last year, she even attended a conference on Ehler-Danloss Syndrome, where she said she learned a lot about the disease.
We wish Sara nothing but the best as she continues to slay!