Hilarious Comparison Images of SEVENTEEN Dorms Show Why Mingyu Is The Best Roommate

Who wouldn’t want him as a roommate?

A series of images was recently posted on a public forum, displaying SEVENTEEN‘s dorms. Fans noted a funny difference between the sets of photos, which were taken from a behind the scenes video.

Viewers were quick to notice that there’s a big difference in what the dorm looks like between when Mingyu is and isn’t home!

When Mingyu is home:

When Mingyu isn’t home:

The difference is clear – the dorm is much cleaner when the rapper is home! Mingyu has been known to go on cleaning sprees in the past, so it’s not surprising to see the difference made when he’s home.

Here’s another set of comparison shots.

When Mingyu is home but hasn’t yet cleaned:

When Mingyu is cleaning:

Sadly, it looks like the other members have left it up to Mingyu to do most of the house chores! Hopefully they pitch in other times when the cameras aren’t rolling.

Here’s what some fans had to say upon seeing these images.

“Kim Mingyu even cleans the other members’ rooms and would send pictures from Ka-talk. He’s seriously a Maltese that wants to be praisedㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ”

“Looks like Pledis has another cleaning fairy”

“This is from the picture at the end from the post. But for real, his obsession is solid. I bet that there’s not one person who will only watch this video once. He was singing this weird song while folding towels. Meanwhile, his legs are 2 m long”

“Oh boy…I would like to propose him…”

“Would love to have a housemate like Mingyu lol”

“I literally moved out of my old dorm because my roommate was so lazy and inconsiderate. I can’t stand messy people and room at all. This guy’s level of patience is outstanding. Where can i get a guy like him”

He certainly has husband material written all over him!

Source: Forum


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