SEVENTEEN Mingyu’s Visual Upgrade Will Show You How Hairlines Can Make A Difference

It’s a small change, but it sure has an impact.

When SEVENTEEN‘s Mingyu debuted in 2015, he was already a visual sensation.


Even in his teen ages, Mingyu was the “complete package” with the talent, appearance, and personality.


While it seemed impossible for the flawless Mingyu to become any better…


… his face became exponentially hotter when he made slight changes to his hairline! While as a rookie, Mingyu had an M-shaped forehead with his natural hairline…


… over the years, he made gradual change to a straight and edgy hairline.


Now, with a more defined hairline, Mingyu got that chic-sexy, masculine vibe boosted to the max!


During SEVENTEEN’s most recent promotions, of mega bops like “HIT” and “Fear”, Mingyu made sure the world got a peek at his amazing hairline…


… although, with a face like this, the hairline is likely the last thing on anyone’s mind!


For a quick and easy at-home temporary solution to fixing your hairline, see Crayon Pop Way‘s Idol Hair 101 here:

Source: Nate Pann


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