SEVENTEEN’s S.Coups Boasted His Thighs Of Steel Until Kang Ho Dong Crushed Him

He put up a good fight though.

On a recent episode of Knowing Bros, SEVENTEEN‘s S.Coups took on multiple mighty opponents who challenged him to a good “leg wrestling” game. S.Coups was feeling confident – as he had faith in his strength like his nickname “PowerCoups” suggested!


His thighs of steel held up relatively well, destroying the brave men who dared to go up against him – like the host Kim Hwan who flipped to his defeat after quite a struggle…

He’s just really strong…!

— Lee Sang Min


… and the panel Lee Sang Min too! After losing in only a split second, Lee Sang Min couldn’t keep his jaw from dropping in pure amusement!


When comedian, but more importantly the former Korean wrestling champion, Kang Ho Dong stepped up though, S.Coups got a little nervous. Kang Ho Dong was ready to chuck S.Coups across the set – for having defeated not one, but two of his panels!

You should all watch out, okay? He’s going to come flying your way, so be sure to duck when that happens!

— Kang Ho Dong


While it was a good fight, S.Coups – and his hopes of winning the leg wrestling championship – were crushed by Kang Ho Dong’s undying power. Kang Ho Dong casually flipped S.Coups around…


… and sent S.Coups panicking straight into Kim Hwan’s arms! Carats love the expression of complete shock and awe on S.Coups face. It surely isn’t every day he gets flung by former champions – and it isn’t every day Carats get to watch!


Watch the full clip below:


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