SEVETEEN’s Hoshi Reveals Just How Big Of A SHINee Fanboy He Truly He Is

Key even knows how big of fan Hoshi is.

SEVENTEEN‘s Hoshi has never been shy about admitting that he’s a huge fan of SHINee.

Key reveals that the two are pretty close to each other, to the point where Hoshi even visits Key’s house from time to time.

Key even knows about how big of fanboy Hoshi. That fans of Hoshi would even bring SHINee goods to him as presents.

Hoshi also reveals that he’s a fan of another person on Amazing Saturday, which is Hanhae.

The cast members couldn’t help but be playful in this situation, where they asked Hoshi who he likes more.

They even gave a strange scenario to Hoshi, where Hoshi comes back from a long schedule. To envision that someone is giving him flowers after a long day.

Hoshi proves he’s the ultimate fanboy by immediately picking Key over Hanhae.

Here is the full video below!

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