SHINee’s Minho Greeted His Mom Like A Queen And It’ll Make You Swoon

Get someone who treats you like Minho treats his mom.

SHINee‘s Minho completed his military training and attended the ceremony for its completion. His family joined him for the special event, including his mother.


And, the way he greeted her is making everyone swoon. First, Minho gave a formal introduction based on his military rank.

Then, he finally gave his mother a warm hug. But, that wasn’t the end of his greeting.

With the utmost respect, he kneeled on the ground and deeply bowed. Then, he hugged his mom once more while saying, “I love you.”

Minho did everything he could to greet his mother in the most respectful way to show just how much he respected and loved her.

It’s exactly how someone should want to be treated. If cloning was possible, there would be quite a few requests for Minho after this swoon-worthy display.


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